
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Preliminary considerations
    1. Metaphysics of the programming
    2. Taxonomy of classes
    3. CCore general
  4. Simples
    1. Gadgets
      1. NoCopy
      2. Nothing
      3. MSec
      4. DefaultTimeout
      5. ExceptionType
      6. LockObject
      7. Locked
      8. NegBool
      9. PosSub
      10. Replace
      11. Space
      12. Len
      13. Place
      14. UtilFunc
      15. UIntFunc
      16. SIntFunc
      17. UIntSat
      18. Init
      19. Handle
      20. Function
      21. PtrLen
      22. PtrLenReverse
      23. PtrStepLen
      24. Meta
      25. CreateAt
      26. NoThrowFlags
    2. Abort
    3. Swap
    4. Move
    5. Cmp
    6. FunctorType
    7. Tuple
    8. OwnPtr
    9. RefPtr
    10. Timer
    11. TimeScope
    12. TextLabel
    13. ScanBit
    14. UIntSplit
    15. MemAllocGuard
    16. TlsSlot
    17. PrintSet
    18. PrintTitle
    19. PrintTime
    20. PrintError
    21. PrintAbort
    22. PrintBits
    23. Counters
    24. Fifo
    25. SafeBuf
    26. Crc
    27. StrKey
    28. -----
    29. PrintStem
    30. CapString
    31. MakeString
    32. InstanceLock
    33. BlockFifo
    34. TypeSwitch
    35. NewDelete
    36. DynObject
    37. AnyPtr
    38. StartStop
    39. RefObjectBase
  5. Fundamentals
    1. Algon
      1. ApplyToRange
      2. BaseRangeAlgo
      3. BinarySearch
      4. SimpleRotate
      5. EuclidRotate
      6. CommonIntAlgo
      7. GCDConst
      8. SortUnique
      9. Partition
    2. PlanInit
    3. Printing
    4. Scanning
    5. Exceptions
    6. Memory management
      1. RadixHeap
      2. HeapEngine
    7. Element pool
    8. Arrays
    9. Lists
    10. Trees
    11. Strings
    12. Working thread pool
    13. Sort
    14. Serialization (SaveLoad)
    15. Random
    16. Text and characters
      1. Simple string parsing
      2. Basic character properties
      3. Text tools
    17. Files
    18. Paths
    19. Unid
    20. TypeNumber
    21. InterfaceHost
    22. Object hosting
      1. SingleHost
      2. ObjectHost
    23. Node allocators
    24. Container lists
    25. Tree maps
    26. Compact node allocator
    27. Compact lists
    28. Compact maps
    29. -----
    30. AttachmentHost
    31. Signals
    32. Optional
    33. Defer calls
    34. MultiSignals
    35. Object Domain
    36. StepEval
  6. Applied
    1. ToMemBase
    2. -----
    3. FileName
    4. Async Files
      1. Interface
      2. Clients
      3. Binary
    5. ELF format parser
  7. Tasks and synchronization
    1. Tasks
    2. FuncTask
    3. Atomic
    4. Synchronization objects
    5. NoMutex
    6. Mutex
    7. FastMutex
    8. Sem
    9. Event
    10. MultiSem
    11. MultiEvent
    12. AntiSem
    13. ResSem
    14. HCore-specific
      1. SlowSem
    15. XCore-specific
      1. TickCount and TickJob
      2. Ticker and TimedTrigger
      3. ForcedTimeout
      4. TaskMonitor
    16. PerTask
    17. TaskHeap
    18. TaskMemStack
  8. Console input
    1. LineInput
    2. CmdInput
  9. Logging
    1. General
    2. (XCore) SysLog
  10. Event recording
    1. General
    2. (XCore) Task events
    3. PTP CilentDevice events
    4. PTP ServerDevice events
    5. NanoIPDevice events
  11. HCore files and file system
    1. FileToMem
    2. AsyncFileDevice
    3. FileSystem
    4. DirTreeRun
    5. Binary
  12. Printing devices
  13. Scanning devices
  14. NanoPackets
  15. XCore console
  16. Packets
    1. Packet
    2. PacketPool
    3. PacketSet
    4. CancelPacketList
    5. (XCore) CompletePacket
  17. Math
    1. Integer
    2. IntegerSlowAlgo
    3. IntegerFastAlgo
    4. IntegerOctetBuilder
    5. SmallPrimes
    6. ModEngine
    7. NoPrimeTest
    8. APRTest
  18. Crypton
    1. BlockCipher
    2. AES
    3. HashFunction
    4. SHA
    5. MD5
    6. Rot
    7. Forget
    8. DHExp
  19. DDL
    1. DDL language (v.2)
    2. DDL Engine
  20. Net
    1. Packet endpoint
    2. NetBase
    3. UDPoint
    4. CheckedData
    5. EchoDevice
    6. SingleEchoDevice
    7. Bridge
    8. SingleBridge
    9. NetFork
    10. (HCore) UDPDevice
    11. (HCore) AsyncUDPDevice
    12. PTP
    13. PTP Service
    14. PTP Support
    15. PTP echo test
    16. PTP Console
    17. PTP Boot
    18. HFS
    19. PSec to be continued
    20. PKE to be continued
    21. EthDevice
    22. NanoIPDevice
  21. Video under development
  22. Desktop under development
  23. HCore targets
    1. PlatformBase
    2. Quick
    3. SysAbort
    4. SysAtomic
    5. SysCon
    6. SysError
    7. SysFile
    8. SysFileSystem
    9. SysMemPage
    10. SysNet
    11. SysPlanInit
    12. SysProp
    13. SysSem
    14. SysTask
    15. SysTime
    16. SysTlsSlot
    17. SysWait
    18. PlanInit_CCore
  24. XCore targets
    1. PlatformBase
    2. Quick
    3. SysAbort
    4. SysAtomic
    5. SysMemSpace
    6. SysTime
    7. SysCon
    8. SysPlanInit
    9. TaskContext
    10. DevInt
    11. DevTick
    12. DevWaitForInterrupt
    13. DevIntHandle
    14. DevPlanInit
    15. CBase
    16. PlanInit_CCore
    17. STD implementation
      1. atexit
      2. __std_init
      3. sysroot
      4. binutils and gcc
  25. Tools
    1. MakeList
    2. Keywords
    3. CondLangLR1
    4. DDLShow
    5. DDLTypeSet
    6. EllipticPi
    7. EchoServer
    8. PTPEchoServer
    9. PTPServer
    10. exectest
    11. PSecEchoServer
    12. Regen
    13. PTPSecureServer
    14. PTPSecureClient
    15. UserPreference under development
    16. EventView under development